Jason Noble – Michigan SD19 – State Senate
Medicare for All, because Healthcare is a Right!
I am running for Michigan State Senate District 19. I am a husband, dad and lifelong resident of Michigan. My goal is to represent Calhoun, Barry and Ionia residents in Lansing and help to reshape our State's economy in to one that works for all, not just the few.
While I may be running for State Senate for District 19 within the State of Michigan it is important to know how our district and State play into the context of the nation. Our nation’s tax code is one of the most upside down and turned on its head codes in the world and Michigan plays a part in that.
Historically taxes have been higher. In the 1950’s the tax rate for the wealthiest citizens was a federal 92% (https://www.irs.gov/uac/soi-tax-stats-historical-table-23). In this time we had cheap or free education at state schools, roads, police and better equipped schools by comparison. By the time Reagan took office the tax rate for the wealthiest went down to 38% with no real increases on the middle class. However, Reagan also raised the national debt up 189% (https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt_histo4.htm).
Since that time tax rates on the middle class go up or the taxable income thresholds were shifted to take more money from more middle class and lower class people. When taxes go down and government still needs money to function (albeit some functions are bloated) that missing money has to come from somewhere.
In Michigan that has come from busting up Unions, lowering the basic level of income and creating a race to the bottom. All the while contributing to the issues by not taxing the wealthy fairly at the State level, allowing businesses to leave and allowing businesses to race to the bottom on how low they can pay their workers. At the same time holding jobs ransom for tax breaks. It is extortion and a straight up corporate ransom.
We are a part of this “more perfect Union” and we pay taxes, we pay dues and we expect to be represented and not pay all the taxes needed. Our nearly flat income tax impacts the lower and middle class more than the upper class and allows companies to have lower tax rates. These lower taxes for companies have not led to more job growth. Job growth has slowed repeatedly because investments follow innovation not tax cuts. Investors are drawn to revenues that grow not incentives that stagnate.
Michigan’s income inequality is generally better than the rest of the nation in that our richest and poorest are not nearly as far apart. Instead of the wealthiest earning 25 times what the poorest do, its nearly 22 times more. Instead of the top 1% taking 20% of Michigan’s total income they take 18%. Our state still contributes to the overall national issue and our nation is the wealthiest in the history of the world but our citizens wouldn’t know it.
When you send me to Lansing not only will I represent you but I will work with other legislators to create better tax rates that better reflect the structure we should see. We have wealthy residents here, and a tax cut to their business of a few percent can potentially save them millions. But doing so does not create jobs nor has it worked well for the rest of us paying that share of taxes.
The deck is stacked, and the basic message that wealth is in reach has been given so freely but many Michigan residents can’t feed their families and take a trip to the hospital for an emergency. Or they must choose between gas for work and food for their lunch. They must work longer hours for lower wages. We provide the roads and the millages and we staff the schools and road crews. We need to work together to make sure we don’t allow corporations to stow money abroad, to easily leave our State or potentially our nation.
America is worth fighting for. Michigan is worth working for. You are worth serving: here and in every county across Michigan. From Flint to Muskegon, from Coldwater to Marquette, from Battle Creek to Ionia.
If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.
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