RECOMMENDATION - Stephen Jaffe – California CD12 – U.S. Congress - Primary – June 5, 2018
The Epitome of Bernie Going Up Against Nancy Pelosi
Endorsed by Tim Canova & Preston Picus
MEET Stephen:
I am an employee rights attorney and anti-dark money activist. I’m running in CA-12 because it’s time for the 99% to be truly heard. It’s a big challenge to take on the House Democratic Leader and I’m humbled by the incredible support I’ve already received. We are all socialists. Medicare, Social Security, the military, police departments, fire departments, and public schools are all examples of economic socialism.
Please join me in standing up for progressive values in Congress:
- Anti-racist
- Single-payer health care
- Drug reimportation
- Living wages
- Free college and university
- Investigation of police shootings
- Peace at home and abroad
Want to mail in support? Here's the office of my treasurer:
The Committee to Elect Stephen R. Jaffe
c/o Warren & Associates
20 Galli Drive, STE A
Novato, CA 94949-5731
“I’m for Jaffe for Congress. Hope Bernie Sanders will get behind Jaffe as well!”
- Tim Canova, law professor and FL-23 Congressional challenger, 2016
“Americans are sick of status quo politicians like Nancy Pelosi, who decades ago moved to Washington, D.C. only to lose complete touch with reality. No one is more fed up than military veterans who have faced the brunt of nearly 20 years of nonstop war. To his great credit, Stephen Jaffe has put forth the most comprehensive veterans platform seen to date, one that Pelosi has had years to implement but failed to even try. No longer will we be taken for granted by lazy career politicians! For his strong support of military veterans and citizens alike, Stephen Jaffe has earned the endorsement of our national membership to become the next Congressman of California’s Twelfth district.”
- Tyson Manker, National Director, Veterans for Bernie
“I know Stephen Jaffe will carry the progressive banner well in CA-12, fighting for issues we care about including single payer health care, getting money out of politics, and reforming the Democratic Party.”
- Preston Picus, independent CA-12 candidate 2016
“I was VERY impressed by Jaffe4Congress —he’s got my endorsement!”
- Mike Figueredo, host of The Humanist Report a progressive political podcast.
“I love what you are about. I love your message. I love that you’re focused on the issues of the people locally … Stephen Jaffe is now endorsed by Tim Black.”
- Tim Black, independent news host covering news, politics, and entertainment.
“Nancy Pelosi represents money, not her constituents. The only way the American people stand a chance is for us to support candidates like Jaffe who refuse to accept capitalist exploitation is our given.”
- Holly Wood, PhD., writer and independent PA-10 candidate 2018
“I’m a proud supporter of Jaffe4Congress. Stephen has strong progressive values that you can count on in Congress every day. #ImWithJaffe”