RECOMMENDATION - Sergio Garcia - Texas SDEC 02 Committeeman - June 21-23, 2018
Congratulations on being elected as a delegate from Texas Senate District 2.
Meet Sergio:
My name is Sergio Garcia and I'm running to be your SDEC Committeeman for SD02.
I am running for the position of Committeeman to represent you in Senate District 2 of the Texas Democratic Party State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC).
New leadership is needed in Senate District 2 that will embrace and implement fresher ideas and approaches that will contribute to ending our 20+ year drought of statewide electoral losses. Our District's importance in "Turning Texas Blue" cannot be discounted. Everyone who wants to be listened to should be given a chance to have their ideas heard. Votes cast should be respected whether they are made by delegates at our Convention or in any one of our States' counties. We need to fix the apparent breakdowns between the people on the ground and the TDP leadership.
Whomever is elected to serve on the SDEC Committee for SD2 needs to represent all the Democrats and Counties of the District. Everyone needs to be heard.The only rule covering the candidates running for SDEC is that it be one man and one woman. There is no mandate that requires a Rural and urban. Since we have men and women from both areas running this year, we may have a pair coming from rural or urban. It will be up to the delegates to choose who they want to represent them on SDEC and I believe their votes should be honored.
If I am elected, I will work for everyone in the District.
We can do this. Together we can have a positive impact here in Senate District 2.
I am asking for your support in being elected your next SDEC Committeeman for SD2 at our State Convention in Fort Worth this month.
Sergio Garcia for Texas SDEC 02 Committeeman
I would be grateful for your endorsement and vote for me as your SDEC 02 Committeeman at the Texas Democratic Party Convention on June 21-23, 2018.