RECOMMENDATION: Bill Cimbrelo – Massachusettes CD09 – U.S. Congress - Primary - September 4, 2018

A Green New Deal for the People

The Next Progressive Win Like Ocasio-Cortez!

Bill Cimbrelo has been a resident of Massachusetts for most of his life. He immigrated to the United States from Argentina with his parents shortly before turning 6 years old and is a longtime Naturalized United States Citizen. He is bilingual in Spanish and English. Bill obtained a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, Boston Campus. 

After graduating from the University, Bill worked in the chemical industry for many years and gravitated towards the area of water purification. He designed many industrial pollution control systems, but specialized in closed-looped water purification and recycling systems that greatly limited or eliminated the discharge of hazardous materials into the local sewer systems.

Later, he turned his personal hobby of home remodeling into a thriving family business. He understands the unique challenges of owning a small business—whether it’s short or long term cash flow, providing employee benefits, or taxes.  

Like many Americans, Bill has experienced his share of hardship in his life— loss of a spouse to terminal illness, dealing with the rapacious for-profit insurance companies, and bankruptcy.  Never one to give up, Bill has successfully rebuilt his business and enjoys his work in the community.  Bill’s four children are now grown, and he currently lives with his wife and their cat on the Cape, where he spent many summers growing up. 

In 2011, Bill was inspired to run for the U.S. Senate as an independent candidate against the Republican incumbent Scott Brown. The disastrous results of the 2016 election have convinced Bill that he must run for Congress in MA District 9 to create the change he wishes to see and protect future generations. 

Bill Cimbrelo has decided to primary the current Democratic representative, Bill Keating, who has become far too cozy with corporate interests and has fallen completely out of touch with the needs of his constituents in Massachusetts.

Cimbrelo believes that we have too many career politicians, and not enough citizen legislators and civil servants who can truly represent the people. The problem of corruption in government can be solved, but it is going to require representatives who are willing to take on establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle. 

As a progressive Democrat, he will fight for a bold platform that includes a Green New Deal, living wages, universal healthcare, tuition free public colleges and universities and other bold progressive policies designed at helping working people thrive.

Cimbrelo believes the election of Donald Trump is symptomatic of a much greater affliction that plagues our nation. Trump is the result of years of broken promises and mounting frustration with corruption, stagnant wages, and inequality. It’s time to clean house.

Corporate-sponsored candidates have taken our government away from its rightful owners, the people, and handed it over to large corporations and special interests.  Bill Cimbrelo is a grassroots candidate for Congress who will not take a single dollar from corporations in his campaign.  He supports single payer health insurance, tuition-free public college and vocational schools, a Green New Deal that will protect our natural resources and create jobs, and ending Citizens United.  

Bill Cimbrelo has pledged to never take a dime of corporate special interest money in this campaign and those in the future.

Can you pitch in today to help make this progressive vision a reality?

We can do this!  We can win! But we need you! 

Please contribute whatever you are able to -- it is time to rise up and take back our Democracy! 

- Team Cimbrelo

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