MIKE GRAVEL: Let's Get This Progressive to the Debate Stage! Here is What You Need to Know

Mike Gravel

for President of the United States 2020


Meet the teens running the 2020 presidential campaign of 88-year-old Senator Mike Gravel. Will they be able to get the necessary 65k donors by May 15? Or is their Mike Gravel 2020 effort to get him into the debates doomed?

Teen Kingmakers | Documentary | 2020

Time is running out!

  • We need 65,000 unique donations by June to qualify for the debates.
  • Chip in at least $1 so we can qualify, before it's too late! 
  • May 15, 2019 is the deadline


Weeks after launching a 2020 campaign designed to fail, former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) announced that he wants more than a one-off ticket to the Democratic primary debate stage: He wants to win. The long-shot octogenarian candidate — who also took a run at the White House in 2008 — is known for aiding the public release of the Pentagon Papers and for holding a hard anti-war stance. His stated goal has been to push the debate further to the left.

Key facts about Mike Gravel

  • Age: 88 — Gravel would be 90 years old — if elected — when he takes office.
  • Born: Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Undergraduate: Columbia University
  • Date candidacy announced: April 8
  • Previous roles: Alaska representative and Alaska Speaker of the House, U.S. Senator

Time is running out!

  • We need 65,000 unique donations by June to qualify for the debates.
  • Chip in at least $1 so we can qualify, before it's too late! 
  • May 15, 2019 is the deadline


Gravel's stance on key issues

  • Foreign policy: In "A Political Odyssey," Gravel shared his non-interventionist opinion on foreign policy. He doesn't believe sanctions work, specifically in Iran. Gravel also supports cutting military spending by 50%. He wants to end support for Saudi Arabia and foreign arm sales and opposes the Israeli treatment of Palestinians.
  • Big businesses: Gravel wants big businesses to be broken up, and leaders of corporations to be held directly responsible for the actions of their organizations.
  • Health care: Gravel calls health care is a human right, and thinks the U.S. should develop a universal health-care plan.
  • Climate change: Gravel supports the Green New Deal, and has a progressive climate platform that includes eliminating all single-use plastic products.
  • Immigration: Gravel labels the Trump administration's immigration policy as "monstrous." He supports open borders for non-criminals and abolishing ICE.
  • Electoral college: Gravel wants it abolished.

Key criticisms of Mike Gravel

  • Notoriety: Gravel's campaign is, by and large, not being taken seriously. In part, that is because he said his intention for running was to make it onto the debate stage, rather than win the nomination. However, Gravel seems to be taking his own candidacy more seriously as time passes.
  • Age: Gravel is the oldest person seeking the presidency, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) who is 77 and President Trump who is 72.
  • Campaign strategy: Gravel isn't planning to travel for his campaign.

1 fun thing about Mike Gravel

  • His campaign manager is a 17-year-old high school senior.

Time is running out!

  • We need 65,000 unique donations by June to qualify for the debates.
  • Chip in at least $1 so we can qualify, before it's too late! 
  • May 15, 2019 is the deadline


In the News

Mike Gravel’s Plan to Rock the Democratic Primary

Teenagers Have Officially Convinced Mike Gravel to Run for President

Why we need Mike Gravel

Mike Gravel represented Alaska as a Democrat from 1969 to 1981. During his time in the Senate, he was noted for his unabashed opposition to the Vietnam War and for reading the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record, risking expulsion from the Senate. Since leaving the Senate, Sen. Gravel led two companies in the legal marijuana field and has fought for peace and political reform.

Sen. Gravel is committed to ending America's imperial policies (especially in Venezuela and Iran), rescheduling cannabis, fundamentally reforming our politics through direct democracy, abolishing mass surveillance on American citizens, prioritizing climate change, dismantling America's carceral state, and building a foreign policy free of undue influence by Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Mike aims not to win, but instead to qualify for the 2020 Democratic debates in order to send a message that no other candidate is willing to issue. Our goal is to push the rest of the Democratic field toward policies, especially on political reform, climate change, and foreign policy, that will truly challenge the American plutocracy and military-industrial complex.

Time is running out!

  • We need 65,000 unique donations by June to qualify for the debates.
  • Chip in at least $1 so we can qualify, before it's too late! 
  • May 15, 2019 is the deadline


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